Board of Trustees
We are looking to recruit new members to our Board of Trustees. This is a volunteer role to join the existing board of trustees, who currently draw from a range of backgrounds, both in public healthcare and private sector, with complimenting skills to support Common Wheel.
We are particularly keen on recruiting individuals with skills in retail management, PR, marketing, human resources, community fundraising, social work, or those with Glasgow business connections, who might help us search for corporate partners.
We welcome expressions of interest from younger candidates, women, people from ethnic minority communities, and disabled people, as we recognise our board would benefit from a greater diversity of backgrounds and perspectives.
Knowledge or experience of the charity or community sector is desirable but not essential. Direct experience of the issues our charity seeks to address is also welcome but not essential.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- Ensure that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document, charity law and other relevant legislation.
- Strategic decision-making and guidance.
- Working in partnership with the Project Manager, helping them achieve the aims of the organisation.
The responsibilities of charity trustees in Scotland are set out in detail at
Board meetings typically take place on a weekday at 6pm each month and last for approximately 2 hours. In addition, Trustees have historically taken part in an annual strategy development meeting, either in the weekend or extended evening session.
Depending on their skills, interests and availability, Trustees may also join occasional working groups and support the Project Manager or staff team from time to time on specific tasks or issues.
We’re a small organisation depending on time from volunteers, so board members who like to occasionally roll up their sleeves to support are very welcomed!