We run weekly music groups in the wards of Mental Health Hospitals in Glasgow. If you are in hospital and want to take part, please speak to your Ward Manager or OT. If you are a member of staff and think your hospital ward could benefit from our music groups please contact stuart@commonwheel.org.uk
- Interactive group music sessions
- Take place on a Mental Health Hospital ward or at our Campbell House base on the campus of Gartnavel Royal Hospital
- Group sizes of up to approx. 15
- Sessions run by 2 professional musicians
- NHS staff also attend to provide support
- Session content tailored to the patients attending the group that day and steered by their preferences
- Musical activities may involve:
- Singing together
- Rhythm work with percussion
- Focused listening
- Group improvising
- Band style sessions using instruments
- Songwriting and composing
- Sessions last approx. 40-45 mins
- Sessions tend to run weekly for a block of approx. 12 weeks
‘The thing about music is it just makes me feel good’
Acute Ward Patient